Bee Removal Flower Mound
Are you interested in saving the bees? Take a look at this short video. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube, Facebook and Instagram pages for more bee, wasp and yellow jacket removal videos in Flower Mound. Check out our growing collection of videos and pictures of wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, beehives, nests as well. And keep up to date with what we are doing here at Bee Safe with our new vlog.

The benefits of having honeybees professionally removed in Flower Mound
Honeybees are crucial to our environment. In Flower Mound, Texas we have had the privilege of working with and removing countless honeybee hives. The number of honeybees in the United States are dropping, making it harder for beekeepers to stay in business and do what they love. Many bee removal professionals exterminate bees and leaving the honey and hive to rot in the walls. Here at Bee Safe Bee Removal, we pride ourselves on getting the job done safely and properly. We work with local small and large beekeeping organizations to rescue and relocate the honeybees.

Bee identification and nesting areas
If you just discovered bees or wasps inside of your home, try to get a sample so that you can identify what type of flying stinging insect you are dealing with before calling a Flower Mound bee removal company to remove them. If they are small, fuzzy, brown and black striped, then you most likely have an infestation of honeybees living in or near the structure of your house. If you feel brave, walk around the outside of your house and scan the roof line and chimneys to pinpoint the entry point where the bees have taken up residence. Honeybees will usually build their hives in a wall, roof, chimney, soffit, eave, between the floors and many times in the water meter box. The bee’s natural habitat in the wild is a hollowed out tree. For that reason, honeybees feel right at home in our homes.

Bee Removal Services and Warranties
Another benefit of calling our bee removal company is our unique bee removal service and warranties offered in the Flower Mound metroplex. Bee Safe Bee Removal offers two different types of bee removal and bee control services. The first type is when a bee swarm or beehive is located on the outside of the structure and repair work is not needed. The bee removal no repair or no construction job comes with a 30 day warranty. Should bees return to the exact place of the removal within a month, we will return to the site and retreat the area free of charge. The next service is the live bee removal with repair which entails removing all the bees and any honey and hive material. Once the hive Is removed, the hollow cavity will be washed, sanitized, dusted with a bee repellant, packed full of insulation and the structure repaired. A 12-month warranty of the job location is included in this package. All the work under this warranty is completely covered for the next year. If you see any bee activity resurface, Bee Safe will return to resolve the issue no questions asked.

Bee proofing
Bee proofing is a unique service that involves inspecting your property for bee activity and sealing any and all vulnerable spots on the structure, preventing bees from making your home theirs. We seal off areas in your home that may be viewed as a potential home for bees. This service can be renewed every year for a small amount and it not only guarantees your house but your entire property as well. The bee proofing warranty includes sheds, barns, detached garages and their structures that may be on your property. Bee proofing also covers the landscape on the property including: bushes, trees and other living plant. Lastly, we warranty against honey bees, ground-dwelling yellow jackets, bumble bees, carpenter bees and cicada killers. Older homes are the perfect vessels for bees due to the fact that they are not as up to date as modern homes. Flower Mound has a vast amount of homes that were built 20 or more years ago, and a good amount of our customers are from the Flower Mound area. Older homes in Flower Mound lack the proper insulation needed to keep honeybees out. If you have a home that falls under this criteria, don’t hesitate to call us to have one of our Flower Mound bee rescue professionals inspect your home for free.

Saving the bees
We take great care in rounding up our bees. Our professional bee removal service involves using a bee vac to vacuum the bees with the utmost care. We then relocate most of the beehives to our local apiaries and beekeepers around the Flower Mound area. Bee Safe Bee Removal will donate bees to beekeepers who are interested in getting stared in hobby beekeeping.

Choosing the right bee removal professional in Flower Mound is very important not only for the bees, but also in making sure the job is done correctly. When a hive is not removed properly, the homeowner could be left with a bigger mess to clean after the hive begins to rot and attract pests. Some competitors in Flower Mound do not offer a warranty, but here at Bee Safe Bee Removal we pride ourselves in excellent customer service. Bee proofing your home also separates us from the rest of the rest of the industry because we ensure your home is sealed off from potential bee infestation. The last thing you want is to wake up in spring only to realize your home has attracted bees. Finally, here at Bee Safe Bee Removal, we do everything possible to be the best bee rescue company in town. We love saving the bees. Having strong connections with apiaries surrounding the Flower Mound area makes relocating our honeybees a breeze. Whether it is safely relocating them to our apiaries or even our local beekeepers, rest easy knowing that we are all about saving bees everywhere. So, keep these things in mind the next time you are looking for a business to help you remove your bees.