In Texas, one of the most prevalent insects is the bee. In Texas, we remove several different types of bees that range from:

  • Honey Bees
  • Bumblebees
  • Africanized
  • Carpenter, and many more

However, it is essential to note that not all bees are created equal. There are several key differences between each bee species necessary to report when identifying what type of infestation you have in your home. At Bee Safe Bee Removal, we consider the different species of bees and begin our job from there. Here are some main differences between bees that you may find in or around your Texas home.

Identifying Bees by Looks

One of the most significant ways to tell the differences between bees is visual cues. While Honey Bees are known for the orange and black visible stripes, these are not the typical colors and body types of other bees.


The bumblebee is usually larger than the honey bee. Bumblebees have a black body and are covered with thick yellow and black hair. Carpenter bees and bumblebees have a similar look, but the critical difference between these two bees is that bumbles are relatively smaller than carpenter bees.

Africanized Bees

Africanized bees are known as a hybrid of European honey bees and African honey bees. The Africanized bee looks very similar to the honey bee but is slightly smaller. The danger in this visual difference is that the size reduction can only really be determined under the microscope.

Personality Traits of Different Types of Bees

Africanized Bees

Many different types of bees are generally not aggressive unless they are provoked or feel that their hive is in danger. However, the Africanized bee will attack when unprovoked, and attacks are usually rapid and in large numbers. Even though both Africanized and honey bees can only sting once before death, the Africanized bee poses a genuine threat to an individual near their hives.

Africanized Bees are also very adaptable and known to nest outside of natural locations like empty boxes, old vehicles, and garages.


The bumblebee can also sting; however, unlike the honey bee, the stinger does not detach, so that these bees can sting multiple times. Bumblebees are generally not aggressive unless they are defending their nest or are susceptible to harm.

Colonies and Nests

Honey Bees

Honey bees usually make their hives in the innards of trees and buildings, but since these bees are typically domesticated, most of them are kept in hives.


Bumblebees tend to nest in either abandoned rodent holes or bunches of grass. These types of bees are generally quite adaptable and have even made nests inside of jacket pockets.

Preventing and Removing Different Types of Bees

If your home is experiencing a bee infestation, don’t wait to contact a professional. Bees can be very aggressive creatures and can pose a danger to you and your family if left alone.

The experts of Bee Safe Bee Removal are not only bee removal specialists but also beekeepers. We will safely remove your beehive and ensure that the process is as environmentally friendly as possible. Get in touch with us today to find out about our other services and our 2-year maintenance plan.